Lok & Blok and Extra Strength Moisture Block is the Answer to Healthy Hair

Lok & Blok and Extra Strength Moisture Block is the Answer to Healthy Hair

Published by Victor Sabino on Oct 3rd 2017


My hair is very hard to straighten now days. It gets poofy or wavy/curly-ish. I think its because I’ve dyed it so much and straightened it so much. I need a good straightener that will straighten my hair SUPER flat. I’ll spend 100 dollars on a straightener/flat iron.. I’ve heard Chi straighteners were really good. Should I go with that? I need something good. Helpppp!


Sounds like your beating up your hair.

The problem is that all other products are water soluble, which means that once applied and initially heated, the heat burns off that layer of protection (which is minimal) exposing any more swipes with heat to burn raw hair. Sabino Lok & Blok is the ONLY waterproof product foe hair. Heat actually drives the product deeper into the hair shaft giving your hair staying power through any climate. We suggest using a flat iron at 400 degrees, a Chi only reaches 350 and you have to swipe over the hair too many times to get half assed results. I don’t know one professional that’s worth their salt that uses a Chi. There’s an incredible flat iron that I use in my salon for only $35 on our website

There is a great treatment called Thermafuse F450 Smoothing Treatment. You can purchase it on Amazon for about $60 and your hair will be straight without using a flat iron for 3 months. If you use Sabino Lok & Blok after the process with a sulfate free shampoo it will last for about 5 months.

You have damaged coloured hair. I would strongly suggest cutting off the splits and breakage after the treatment. I would prefer that you had a professional apply it but if you must, it can be done at home at your own risk.

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