
Question about hair dyeing/toning?

Published by Victor Sabino on Sep 27th 2017

Q. So I’m planning on dyeing my hair silvery/platinum blond and then adding some pink. my current plan is to bleach it, tone it, and dye the pink as the last step. My questions are as follows:

1: will the pink dye take over the toner, or would I need to dye the part I want pink before toning the rest?
2: what is a good brand of toner? I’ve never used it before.
3: if it doesn’t turn out so well, or i get tired of the color, can I just dye over the whole thing with a darker color?
4: how long should I wait between steps?
Thanks in advance ~


If you are not a stylist or you have not high lifted your hair with tint, much of it depends on your current base color and if you already have color or not. If you have color, a high lift tint won’t do the job even with 40 volume developer. If your hair is virgin and a level 6 or lighter (color range is 1 through 10, 10 being lightest) you can accomplish a great blonde with 40 volume developer with a neutral base color adding a green eliminator to the color to prevent brassy gold. If you are bleaching your hair then I wouldn’t screw with it and have it done by a stylist that knows how to work with bleach, that’s not just any stylist.

The bleach process will take time. The roots will come up before the ends. Get the roots to platinum and then be careful not to overlap the bleach when trying to finish the ends. You’re going to get breakage with bleach but that comes with the territory. Be sure to not use the 40 volume bleach on the ends each round or your hair will turn to mush.

Dry the hair and weave out the pieces in foil to add the hot pink. Between the foils apply your toner. You can use any color line with a 5 volume developer. Be sure to do a test strand underneath in the back to attain the toner you prefer. Don’t go any darker on the toner than a level 9n with a touch of ash, depending on the manufactures chart.

Let the foils and toner set for at least 15 minutes. Remove the foils without touch the rest of the hair. This is best done by lying back in a shampoo bowl and removing each foil and rinse after each foil is removed.

If done carefully your hair will look very professional.

Now … I strongly suggest having a professional that knows bleaching do your hair. Save your pennies and be patient, it will be costly. 

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